Monday, November 22, 2010

Blessed.....Blog Awards!!!

Hi all! I just wanted to share with you a blog award that I received from 4 very talented ladies! I am very humbled that they all chose me for this award! Thank you SO MUCH all of you!!!! Here are the fantastic 4... Ashley, Andrea, Gloria, and Mellisa. If you have time to go and visit, please do. They all are truly talented!!!

Here are the rules to this award
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pay it forward to 8 blogs you have recently discovered
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award
Here are the awesome bloggers that I chose to pass this wonderful award to

1. Sandra: 365 days of Cricut
2. Jamie: JME Creations
3. Julie: Live, Laugh, Love 2 Scrap
4. Dawnica: Dawnica's Korner
5. Gale: The Happy Stamper
6. Michelle: Purple Monkey Moments
7. Glenda: Glenda's Cards
8. Kimmy: Scrappin With Kimmy

Here is 8 things about me

1. I am a mom to a teenage boy who is the center of my world!
2. I am a PAPER ADDICT!!!!
3. I love to read....especially Harry Potter
4. I have 3 dogs...a yorkie, pekingese, and shi tzu
5. I love to organize things
6. I usually start listening to Christmas music in October... :)
7. I HATE SNOW!!!! and why I live in WI is beyond me! LOL!
8. I love to do anything crafty
Take care all and a BIG thank you again to the wonderful ladies who gave me this award!!!


  1. I gave you the same award because I just LOVE what you do!

  2. Congrats on the award! It's very well deserved! :)

  3. Gigi, congrats on your award! Love your blog and all your work! Thanks so much for passing the award to me!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Congratulations! Gigi, you do awesome work.

  5. Congratulations on your award and thanks so much for awarding me!!! YOU ROCK!!!


  6. Gigi you won 3 awards. Pick up the other 2

  7. Congrats on the Award Gigi!
    Thanks so much for passing this on to me too.

  8. Thanks so much Gigi! I hate snow too... gotta love winter :)

