Saturday, May 19, 2012

Baptism Gift Bag

Hello everyone! I wanted to show you all the gift bag that I made for my nephews baptism that is tomorrow. Awhile back I made the card and wanted to make a matching bag for it. The full details for the card can be found HERE.
I took a plain gift bag and dressed it up to match the card. The lamb was cut from Paper Doll Dress Up and the frame from Once Upon A Princess. The cross was cut in the frame and that was from Indie Art. I printed the poem off my computer and added a bow around the bag. I just love that poem and the way this whole set turned out.
Thanks for looking and have a great weekend!
I also wanted to let you all know that Candy from Candy's Craft Corner is having a HUGE giveaway to celebrate her Blogaversary! You don't want to miss this one so go check it out!


  1. Your bag looks great next to the card.

    Carson's Creations

  2. GORGEOUS job with your matching bag!It is a BEAUTIFUL set,I LOVE it!Gigi you are so talented!!:)

  3. Beautiful card and bag Gigi! I love that poem!
    Thanks so much for sharing my giveaway.
    Good luck,

  4. Very sweet set Gigi!! Love the poem and the little lamb is so cute.

  5. Beautiful set Gigi!! You are so creative and just love your work:)
    Sherrie K

  6. Ich wollte Ihnen für dieses große Lese danken. Ich auf jeden Fall genossen jeden etwas, und ich vorgemerkt haben Ihnen hier die neuen Sachen Sie Beiträge verfassen. Thanks.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  10. Ich wollte Ihnen für dieses große Lese danken. Ich auf jeden Fall genossen jeden etwas, und ich vorgemerkt haben Ihnen hier die neuen Sachen Sie Beiträge verfassen. Thanks.
