Friday, March 30, 2012

Peachy Keen 3D Candy Challenge

Hello everyone! It's FRIDAY!!!! YAY! Which means I have the weekend to play...hee hee! It also means a new challenge at Peachy Keen. This week the challenge is 3D Candy Containers.
I saw a version of these last year (I can't remember where so if anyone knows please let me know so I can give credit where it's deserved)  and decided to make my own. I created a cut file in CCR using the bunny head from Baby Steps. I welded the head to a rectangle and some ovals to the bottom for the feet from George and Basic Shapes. I stamped the faces with Peachy Keen's Wide Eyes and Bushy Tailed face stamps and colored the eyes with a Copic marker. I also added chalk to the cheeks and used a black pen for the wiskers. For the feet, I hand drew in the circles and colored them in with a Copic marker. To finish I punched a hole, threaded the sucker stick through the hole, rolled the paper around the sucker, and secured it to the bottom with tacky tape. You also can't see from the pictures, but they also have tails! I cut the end of a Q-tip off and glued them to the butt's! HEE HEE!
Well I hope you all like my sucker bunnies and have a wonderful weekend!
I have had a couple of questions on how I created these bunnies so I am adding a photo of the mat from CCR. Maybe someday I will figure out how to share my files! LOL!


  1. Oh my, your sucker hold are so super cute!!! I just love them..

    Scrappy hugs,
    Amanda :0)

  2. WOW! I love these! How cute!!!!! I haven't seen anything quite like these before. I love that you added little fluffy tails for them too even if we can't see it! Awesome job! Hugs- Glora

  3. What a darling way to hold a lollipop!!!!

  4. Wow, very cool! I love how you made the bunny with all the shapes you welded-super creative! Great job!
    Sherrie K

  5. Cute to add a cotton tail too. Nice job-

  6. Oh, these are just TOO cute! Those faces are fabulous - and what a fun way to present Easter lollipops!
    Thank you so much for the lovely comments you've left for me this week, GiGi. I do appreciate them.

  7. So, so cute GiGi!! You are so brilliant :)


  8. this is tooo cool you created your own file, love that the suckers are their bellys !! Thanks for joining us at Peachy Keen this week !!!!

  9. WOW these are sooo STINKIN' CUTE!I LOVE your sweet treat idea,AWESOME job!:)

  10. yummy lolly holders, very cute :) gl

  11. These are just TOO cute! What a clever idea!

  12. OMGawsh! FABULOUS!!! Sooooo cute!!!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at PeachyKeen!!!

