Sunday, November 27, 2011


Happy Sunday everyone! I am sorry that I have been MIA the last couple of days! I have been enjoying time with my family and SHOPPING!
This is a super quick card that I put together. I cut the penguin from Simply Charmed and stamped the face with a Peachy Keen Winter Wonderland face stamp. I colored it with copics and chalk and embossed the bow with the Swiss Dots Cuttlebug floder. The "JOY" was cut from Robots that I layered. To finish I tied a ribbon and bow. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and thanks for stopping by.
Also a reminder that we will be having a Sneak Peek showing of the new Whimsical Designs stamps on Thurs. Dec. 1, and Friday Dec. 2 at 7 A.M., with a Reveal Blog Hop on Friday night at 7 PM. Here is a quick sneak peek of the stamps!
OOOH! They are SO CUTE! and I just LOVE these stamps! So I hope you will come back and check them out!  This week for the Whimsical Wednesday challenge the prize is all 4 sets of stamps! You only have until Wed. Nov. 30th at noon EST. to enter. And don't forget that Scraptastic Mondays Challenge is still going. This week it's to create any fold card except an A2 of shape card. I hope you will play along!Have a great day!


  1. How adorable. Love the facial expression on your precious penguin.

    Carson's Creations

  2. Woo Hoo..thanks for the shout out GiGi:) Love your card totally adorable and gotta love the PK face:)

  3. Oh my goodness, this face is adorable, love it!

  4. This is just the cutest little penguin ever!

  5. Such a cute little penguin!! Beautiful card!!

  6. super cute and I just love that face!

  7. So cute-love the face! It makes me smile:)
    Sherrie K

  8. She's adorable..I love how you did her eyes, tfs!
    Puppy Hugs,
