Monday, June 21, 2010

Trendy Blog Award

I was chosen to recieve the Trendy Blog Award. Adriana over at gave me this award and now I get to pass it on to 5 blogs of my choice. Thanks so much Adriana! I am honored! I will add to this post the 5 blogs I choose when I choose them!
O.K. Here they are:


  1. Gigi thanks so much for the award!!! What a nice surprise, I've passed it on to 5 other well deserved and inspiring blogs. I hope you'll come by often to visit. I am adding you to my followed blogs so I keep up with your creating! Happy Crafting. Patti

  2. Wow Gigi! Thank you so much, I am truly honored. I will pass this on to 5 others. I have also become a follower of your blog.

